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1 April 2007 Performance of Painted Plywood and Cloth Nzi Traps Relative to Manitoba and Greenhead Traps for Tabanids and Stable Flies
Steve Mihok, David A. Carlson
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Experiments were conducted to adapt the cloth Nzi trap to a format suitable for fixed applications in biting fly sampling or control. Catches of tabanids [Tabanus L., Chrysops (Meigen), and Hybomitra Enderlein], and stable flies [Stomoxys calcitrans (L.)] in painted plywood traps were compared with those in standard phthalogen blue cloth traps, and in similarly painted cloth traps. The Manitoba horse fly trap and the Tabanus nigrovittatus Macquart “greenhead” box trap were used as additional standards during one tabanid season. Shiny features of traps reduced catches, e.g., paint on cloth instead of wood, or use of aluminum screening instead of netting. Nevertheless, appropriately painted plywood Nzi traps caught as many biting flies as did standard cloth Nzi traps, if paint finishes were matte, and with the use of phthalogen blue colorants. Nzi traps collected about the same tabanid fauna as the Manitoba and T. nigrovittatus traps, but with improved catches of Chrysops and Tabanus. Recommendations are provided on appropriate color matching, and selection of readily-available materials for trap construction.

Steve Mihok and David A. Carlson "Performance of Painted Plywood and Cloth Nzi Traps Relative to Manitoba and Greenhead Traps for Tabanids and Stable Flies," Journal of Economic Entomology 100(2), 613-618, (1 April 2007).[613:POPPAC]2.0.CO;2
Received: 17 May 2006; Accepted: 23 October 2006; Published: 1 April 2007

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Greenhead trap
Manitoba trap
Nzi trap
stable fly
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